About the Journal

International Nutrition and Health Administrations Journal (INHAJ) is an official journal of the health faculty Institute of Health Sciences NU Tuban, East Java, Indonesia.

The aim of INHAJ is an international journal dedicated to helping researchers, academicians, professionals, health workers, and scientists all over the world to disseminate their research works, innovations, knowledge contributions, reports, and experiences in the field of public health-related nutrition and health administration. It is to be shared with other colleagues or interested parties in the field of public health and public health-related Nutrition and health administration. The INHJ also provides venues to promote and discuss various new issues, advancements, and development of different areas of public health, especially Nutrition and health administration. 

INHAJ is an English language journal, published 2 (two) times a year: January and July. The first issue of Volume 1 is  April 2022 issue. INHAJ policies are fast-tracking review and real-time publication of manuscripts submitted to the journal. We welcome the submission of articles, reports, case studies, etc from colleagues all over the world.